Team Death Match

What is TDM?
The Team-Death-Match (TDM) is a tournament, were max. 20 members of two different companies can compete against each other. The Matches are 12 minutes long and are held on a special TDM map.
After the 12 minutes are up the Team with the highest number of surviving members wins. If there is a tie, both teams loose.

TDM-Map Location

X-4 Map ( Level 10 & Under)
X-6 Map (Level 11 & Up)

How can I participate?
You register at a PvP-Gate by clicking the jump portal button.

You will not jump on the map instantly. You will be put in a waiting queue, to await the following matches. Where you will automatically be warped on to the map, when it is your turn.

When do you compete against each other?
Every 5 minutes a new match is started. Randomly mixed Teams of one Company fight against another 
randomly mixed team of the other company. If you win the a match your own team will be filled with fresh 
players and the loosing team will be replaced by a new Team of a different Company.

How do I leave the waiting queue?
If a player leaves the map which holds the PvP-Gate to the TDM-Map he will be taken out of the waiting 
queue for the TDM.

What happens if my ship is destroyed on the TDM-Map?
The ship will be repaired free of charge and will be placed on the X-1 map.

What happens if I jump on the TDM-Map and I am cloaked?
This is handled like the JP-Battle. You will get on the TDM-Map uncloaked, no matter if you were 
cloaked before.

After you get back to the normal maps you will not have the cloaking device anymore just like in the JP-Battle.

What happens if you jump on the TDM-Map with extra Hit points?
They are counted and work like they do on normal maps.

Do Smart bombs / Mines etc. work?
Yes, they work.

How much EP do you get?
You get 100% EP for a kill.

When will the rewards be given out?
Directly after the fight.
The reward will automatically be booked right after the match has ended.

Is there an FAQ on the map?
There is no FAQ on the map. With time restricted events like this there never is.

Is there a neutral zone at the gates to the TDM-map?

What happens if you get shot down while waiting in the queue for your spot in the TDM?
You lose your spot in line and get teleported to your X-1 map.

How do you leave the TDM-map?
You can log out. Jump-CPUs do not work.

If it’s a tie do two new teams get warped on the map?
Yes, both Teams involved in the tie get kicked out and have to make room for new Teams.

Can a player higher then level 11 jump on the lower TDM-Map?
No, you will get a note that your level is to high for that map and that you need to go to the X-6 maps.

Does the selection of the Teams follow the queue or is it a random selection?
It will follow the order in which players have registered for the queue. The winning teams will be filled first.

Where do you Spawn after the destruction on the TDM-Maps?
… Level 12 players and higher, who participated on TDM-2 Maps (X-6 born) respawn on X-8. All others will spawn on X-1.

If a player gets shot down can he register for a TDM right away?
Yes, but he has to fly from the X1 map back to the PvP-Gate.

If you are in a clan war can you be shot down by your own company members?
Yes, you can be shot down by your own company, but that of course will make wining not exactly easy.

Can there be Matches with less then 20 players per team?
At minimum there will always be 2 TDMs. One on TDM-1 and one on TDM-2. Minimum requirement is that players from two different companies are registered. If a match is running and not enough players register for the match after that, there is no second match.

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